opinion from active members

On this page you will find reviews from real breeders. We are in close contact with many breeders to further develop the cloud.
  • Marten Rabbit
  • brown
  • German Vice Champion | 384 pts (2009)
  • Breeder for 38 years

Thomas Seidewitz

No more paperwork
I have been using the "Peter" breeding program for a good 25 years and have been satisfied so far. For three weeks, I now have the cloud on the PC and as an app on my phone. For my needs just great. No more paperwork!!! Put a rabbit on the scale in the barn, assigned in the app, entered the weight > save to the day and immediately recorded the weight development.
  • Dwarf ram satin
  • wild
  • Europaband | 96.5 points (2018)
  • Breeder for 52 years

Henry Majaura

Made for practice
I had recently been advocating this excellent software for the pedigree rabbit breeder, simply because it allows the breeder his own algorithm in processing his breeding data and everything related to it. This is user-focused software at its best. The development is constantly progressing.
  • Mecklenburg pinto
  • blue-white, red-white
  • German champion | 387.5 pts (2019)
  • Breeder for 9 years

Falko Werner

Digitization in the rabbit hutch
RabbitCloud is a lot of fun. Whether you want to create animal profiles incl. image capture, weight histories, pedigrees, evaluation results or record matings - simply ingenious. The animal profiles with all the information can be easily transmitted, for example, to interested parties. In addition, at each stable a stable card with QR code to quickly query all data of the animal with the smartphone. I am very enthusiastic!
  • Tame Rabbit
  • brown
  • National Champion | 386 pts (2022)
  • Breeder for 13 years

Stefan Eschbach

A strong signal
I think it is very good. This is also for new interested "breeders" a strong signal that in rabbit breeding the clocks have not stopped, but one goes with the times. We would not want to miss the program and hope that we can inspire many others for this super program.
  • Lionhead
  • rhönfarbig
  • German runner-up | 384 pts (2022)
  • Breeder for 12 years

Michaela Eschbach

More time in the stable
Discovered, tried and found it to be great. The app saves me from having to go to my laptop, gives me the opportunity to take more notes, keep an eye on every single animal and, by the way, leaves me more time to spend in the barn.
  • Dwarf ram Rexes
  • blue, white BLA, blue gray
  • Europameister (2019)
  • Breeder for 25 years

Sylvana Kropstat

Quick availability in the stable
I think the app is great! You can enter weights, photos, comments directly in the stable. You can document matings immediately. The pedigree is also available directly in the app. If you print the stable cards and hang up you have all the data immediately via cell phone ready and what I find super is the support. You have an answer immediately if there are questions or problems.
  • German small ram
  • dark gray/iron gray
  • National Champion Saxony | 387 pts (2022)
  • Breeder for 28 years

Andreas dispute

Very good further development
Very cooperative team with a clear idea where the journey should go. The program will once cover all facets. For me as a breeder, I can no longer imagine life without it. The on-site inputs are absolutely unique. Any errors found are immediately recorded and corrected.
  • Small Rexes
  • castor-colored
  • ADRC Champion | 385.5 pts (2022)
  • Breeder for 17 years

Breeding F. Marxen

Available on all devices
Not only has been/will be developed a new and modern fancier app for the PC, no you can also use this on the tablet or smartphone quite easily via an app and the data are always up to date and stored ready to hand in one place.
  • Black-fronted Rexes
  • Intrinsic color
  • German Champion | 384 pts (2017)
  • Breeder for 16 years

Patricia Weila

No more pen and paper
I was kind of tired of constantly running around the barn with my thick notebook and documenting there... constantly misplacing pens and then desperately looking for something to write with. A digital solution therefore comes just in time for me! And in the form of an app, where you can find all important data structured prepared.
  • Small silver
  • yellow
  • Vice club champion (2022)
  • Breeder for 2 years

Marcus & Elisa Baumann

Super for new breeders
We have been using this for a few days now and are thrilled. The advantage is that you can access it from anywhere and are not tied to any installed software. RabbitCloud came at exactly the right time for us as new breeders. So nothing stands in the way of modern pedigree rabbit breeding.
  • Havana
  • Intrinsic color
  • National Champion | 385.5 pts (2022)
  • Breeder for 23 years

Sylvana Schmidt

Many great functions
A great app that costs a fee after the trial days, but is worth every penny. It's also great that you can record pedigrees, weight, matings, and more. I can also make individual notes on each animal right in the barn. What I also appreciate is the direct generation of documents such as vaccination certificates or pedigrees.
  • Californian
  • black-white, blue-white, hav-white
  • Central European Champion (2018)
  • Breeder for 23 years

Gunter Anders

Better than the old software
I have discovered this app for myself and am completely satisfied. I had the breeding program from Peters since 1998, which I was also satisfied with until then, but unfortunately there were no new features after 5.6. Above all, the program developers are open to new ideas and you can get involved. Of course it costs at least a monthly fee of around €8, but it's worth it to me.
  • Dalmatian Rexes
  • black and white, blue and white
  • Young Animal Champion Saxony (2019)
  • Breeder for 7 years

Mathias Hemmling & Lucille Kirsten

fast and simple
What can I say this breeding program is the hammer. I have now had a few days to work with this and am thrilled. You can immediately from the stable quickly note conspicuous features such as "hot, sick, has a good stand" in an extra comment field. The best thing is to just take a look at it.
  • Mecklenburg pinto
  • blue-white
  • Best young ram (2023)
  • Breeder for 1 year

ZGM Ruth and Carsten Blume

super for new growers
We as new breeders are completely thrilled! The quick and easy documentation of all relevant information we want to record in the barn is brilliant. It goes quickly from the hand and is immediately available via the stable cards with QR code. Especially the image capture to the animals is important for us to record the development of the young animals.
  • Lux rabbit
  • lux colored
  • State champion Thuringia & Saxony
  • Breeder for 25 years

Frederic Zöller

for old and young
This app is finally the right step towards digitalization. I work with it much more often than I used to with the studbook. Whether it's the weights or simple comments, everything is quickly and securely assigned to each individual animal. A must for every breeder, whether young or old.

Ready for your new studbook?
