Comparison function

Compare different animals with each other and choose the best for mating.
Mobile App
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Web version
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The comparison function helps you to find the best matings. In the overview you can compare male and female rabbits. The show rating, pedigree and breeding success of the offspring of both rabbits are displayed. Additionally the possible colors of the offspring are calculated.

Explanatory videos

In this video you will find out how to use the comparison function in the web version and what function it has. Currently only in German language.


RabbitPairingsAddress bookCage cardsVaccinationsShared profleSettingsFeedbackComparisonF72 - 1155blue-whiteMecklenburgerSchecken0,1Family treeRatingFamily treeNo ratings enteredSelected matingRating : Federal showF72 - 1155blue-whiteMecklenburgerSchecken0,1BestAverageWorstBreeding success - offspringABCdg/ABCdgblue 25%ABCdgK/ABCdgKblue-white 25%ABCdgK/ABCdgKchaplin blue-white 25%Expected offspringBestAverageWorstBreeding success - offspring97,596,2949795,893

Step 1

Log in to the web version

Step 2

Select an animal profile

Step 3

Click on "Compare

Step 4

On the right and left you can select different animals

Step 5

If you like a combination, you can mate it directly.

Frequently asked questions

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